GE | Emoji Science

This is a campaign summary video created for internal GE purposes, as well as, to summarize the campaign for social and PR outlets. My involvement was filming during the even, and building the workflow so that we could do live science experiments in real time on snapchat, a platform which at the time was a “edit only in the platform,” platform. I also got footage and did interviews to help combine them later into this video. My role in making this video was editing, motion graphics, and producing.

GE | 3D Print My Gift

This is a campaign summary video. My role was to create videos that showed items being printed in real time to send to people via twitter, as they waited for their 3D item to be shipped to their homes. My role in this recap video was editing, motion graphics, and producing.

GE | Moon Boots

On this particular project I flew to Buzz Aldrin’s house, interviewed him on what it was like to be on the moon, gave him shoes made with materials used in space shuttles, then made a snapchat of that experience. Then with that footage I outlined, edited, produced, and made this video.

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Client: General Electric
Project Type: Snapchat, Social Media, Videography

Description:  Emoji Science and 3D printing day were social activations that were developed with Vaynermedia in order to make GE accessible as a leader in science, technology, and fun.

Concept:  "Emoji Science" was a snapchat campaign by Vaynermedia that targeted from teens to adults. The main goal was to leverage an audience from a previously successful campaign, and celebrity influencers. "3D Printing Day" was a twitter activation, that utilized influencers and 3D printing in order to generate excitement about the budding technology. My role in this campaign was as Videographer / Producer / Motion Graphics Artist.

Additional Info: When people think of GE they think of old tech and airplanes. These campaigns (along with a few others) were crafted to help make GE be more accessible to a wider audience through education and science.