Rated Red Gaming

Rated Red Gaming | Logo / Brand Identity

Rated Red Gaming | Logo / Brand Identity
I art directed the branding system, the graphics package, and the motion graphics this as well. The general aesthetics of this was based on creating a branding system that appealed to a southern / heartland millennial, but also to gamers in genera. I concepted this channel, deigned and helped produce and brainstorm shows. The channel in its first three months blew past KPI goals, and reached 30k followers.
Rated Red Gaming | Weekly Gaming Wrap-Up
This show was developed as a quick weekly wrap up on gaming. Both evergreen and breaking news content, so that we could both hop on trending topics to garner views, but also have long tail views from evergreen content. This was the trending topic play.
Rated Red Gaming | Alabama Boss Plays
A huge white space in gaming coverage (at the time at least) is/was VR. This is another example of the graphics package in motion. You add to that there aren't a lot of people playing video games on youtube like Alabama Boss, a southern influencer that people really love. This is more of an evergreen play.
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Client: Rated Red
Project Type: Channel Creation and Branding
Description: Video Games are a huge market, but very different than the rest of Rated Red's content. Generally speaking Rated Red Gaming videos would over index in views, but wouldn't lead to retention. Creating a spin-off brand of Rated Red that only focused on Gaming would allow heartland millennials a place to view content who were only interested in games from a heartland perspective.
Concept: To create branding system and a gaming channel that felt like Rated Red, but applied to gamers.
Additional Info: I proactively brought the over indexing of gaming content to the attention of the decision makers who ran Rated Red. Basically Gaming content was over indexing, but the rest of the channel had nothing to do with games. Since gamers tend to be a semi-focused audience that would often overlap with certain nerdier aspects of pop culture, but none of the other vertices that Rated Red covered, I suggested spinning off this content to have a more focused silo, which is for the most part is more in line with how most youtube channels work.